速報APP / 教育 / Learn Java

Learn Java





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




Learn Java(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to the ApkZube free interactive java Offline tutorial.

If you are searching for an application to learn java basic to advance without any programming knowledge.You are at right place.

Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this Application is intended for everyone who wishes to learn the Java programming language.

There is no need to Internet anything - Just click on the INSTALL you wish to begin from, and follow the instructions. Good luck!

Features :

>Loging with google.

>Great User Interface.

>Topics divied into proper way.

>All topics are offline : no needs internet

>Content with easy exampleds.

Learn Java(圖2)-速報App

>Easy to Understand.

>Pratic Programs

>Copy and Share Topic with your friends.

>Online Java Compiler : Run your java program within application.

>Java Interview Questions and Answares.

>> Basic Tutorial: (20 Topics)

Start from basic java basic learning.

basic tutorisl consists following topics.

# Java Introduction

Learn Java(圖3)-速報App

# C++ vs Java

# How to set path in Java

# JVM (Java Virtual Machine) Architecture

# Java Variables

# Data Types in Java

# Operators in java

# Java If-else Statement

# Java Switch Statement

# Loops in Java

# Java Comments

Learn Java(圖4)-速報App

>> Advance Tutorial: (63 Topics)

basic to advance java topics likes,

# Java OOPs Concepts

# Objects and Classes in Java

# Inheritance in Java

# Polymorphism in Java

# Abstract class in Java

# Interface in Java

# Encapsulation in Java

# Java Array

Learn Java(圖5)-速報App

# Java String

# Exception Handling in Java

# Java I/O Tutorial

# Multithreading in Java

>> Practice Programs

No battle can won in the study and theory without practice is dead.

in this topic we add 50+ pracrice programs with output and provide run,share and copy.

# Array,String,User Inputs programs

# sorting algorithms.

Learn Java(圖6)-速報App

# searching alsorithms.

# recursion programs.


>> Java Interview Questions and Answares.

Java Interview Questions have been designed especially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your interview for the subject of Java Programming Language.

>> Contact Us :

ApkZube's team happy to help you any time contact on apkzube@gmail.com

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Learn Java(圖7)-速報App


Learn Java(圖8)-速報App